Algebra 1A: This is the first course in the Algebra I sequence. This course covers simplifying and evaluating equations, operations with polynomials, and graphing linear equations and inequalities. This course is year long and designed for students who struggle with math and need more time to master concepts.
Algebra 1B: This is the second course in the Algebra I sequence. It covers factoring of polynomials, solving rational equations, systems of equations, and more graphing of linear and quadratic equations. This course is year long and designed for students who struggle with math and need more time to master concepts
Geometry A: This is the first course in the Geometry sequence. Students cover inductive reasoning skills and use definitions and postulates to solve problems involving lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals. This is a semester long course designed for students who struggle with math and need more time to master concepts.
Geometry B: This is the second course in the Geometry sequence. Students cover triangle inequalities, simple proofs, proportions, polygons, area, volume, and circles. This is a semester long course designed for students who struggle with math and need more time to master concepts