College/Career Resources
The following links below will better prepare you for your college experience and your future career. Please feel free to use the links below to gain vital information regarding college and career readiness.
Learn about careers related to college majors.
College data, comparisons, and statistical analysis of colleges.
Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students find the best fit for college.
4. CollegeView
Admission and financial aid information for more than 3800 colleges.
5. CollegeNET
Easily find list of colleges sorted by state. Click on name to be directed to individual college web pages.
7. Early Decision VS Early Action
Trying to decide if applying early to college through ED or EA is the best plan for you.
Find out the true cost to attend your college.
Career interest inventory which will help you narrow down your field of interest based on the level of training you are seeking.
10. PICS - Personal Inventory of College Styles
PICS is the only college selection program based on a student's personality.
11. Peterson's Education Center
Peterson's college database along with other educational and career information.
Great free resource to create a resume, search colleges, and take an interest inventory.
Reality based approach to career exploration and planning. Access videos, search tools, and career interest inventories.