Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment at RSCC or PSCC; TCAT Jacksboro
Campbell County High School gives students the option to earn college credits while in high school. To qualify for dual enrollement classes, Juniors and Seniors must meet minimum GPA and ACT requirements as set forth by Roane State Community College or Pellissippi State Community College.
Dual Enrollment is also offered through Tennessee College of Applied Technology at Jacksboro (TCAT). Students must also be able to pay for extra fees and books, but some limited financial aid is available. The Tennessee Dual Enrollment Grant will provide tuition needed for three college classes over a student's junior and senior years in high school. Our school counselors can assist you with the required dual enrollment paperwork.
Dual Enrollment Welding and Dual Enrollment Certified Nursing are offered through TCAT but taught here on our campus (CCHS). See your counselor with any questions you may have.