GEAR UP Tennessee

At Campbell County High School, we encourage our students to reach their fullest potential. We encourage students to attend college or technology school to further enhance their skills. We encourage students to find the right college and right career through the help of the GEAR UP TN Grant.
GEAR UP TN is a federally funded college access program that aims to expand the college-going culture in Tennessee and empower students to succeed. Funded through a seven-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, GEAR UP TN works with Collaboratives in 15 counties across the state to promote college readiness and success. These 15 Collaboratives receive direct services through the GEAR UP TN grant. GEAR UP TN also aims to provide educators, parents, and students across the state with resources and information on the college-going process.
Learn more at: https://www.tn.gov/gearuptn/section/about#sthash.wo7Xrfxa.dpuf