Maintenance and Light Repair 1: The Maintenance and Light Repair I (MLR I) course prepares students for entry into Maintenance and Light Repair II. Students explore career opportunities and requirements of a professional service technician. Content emphasizes beginning transportation service skills and workplace success skills. Students study safety, tools, equipment, shop operations, basic engine fundamentals, and basic technician skills. Course Code: 5879
Maintenance and Light Repair 2: The Maintenance and Light Repair II (MLR II) course prepares students for entry into Maintenance and Light Repair III. Students study automotive general electrical systems, starting and charging systems, batteries, lighting, and electrical accessories. Course Code:5880
Maintenance and Light Repair 3: The Maintenance and Light Repair III (MLR III) course prepares students for entry into Maintenance and Light Repair IV. Students study and service suspension and steering systems and brake systems. Course Code: 5881