2016 Graduation DVD Order Form
The 2016 CCHS Graduation DVD Order forms can be dropped off at the CCHS Front Office anytime next week from 8:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. DVD...

BLUE and ORANGE Kickoff Football GAME
Blue Vs. Orange

CCHS Art Students held annual art show. Congratulations to the winners in following divisions. Printmaking: 1st Bri McKamey 2nd Reagan...

FFA Farm Day
CCHS FFA hosted the county's fourth graders for the 2016 FFA Farm Day.

CCHS Hosts Spa Day for JMS Students
The Cosmetology class at CCHS hosted a Spa Day for the students of Jacksboro Middle School. Students were treated with facials,...

CTE Competition Winners
Dani Hale and Alexandria Miller won Logo Design Lucas Johnson won Speed Type at 117gwam for time limit of 2 Minutes Congratulations to...

Yearbook Dedication Awarded to Mrs. Gina Adrian
The 2016 Yearbook has been dedicated to Mrs. Gina Adrian.

2016 CTE Competition
The CTE Video with all of the classes can be found at the bottom of the home page, CTE Page, and this blog post.

Senior Awards Night
The entire Senior Awards Night video is below.