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2020 Student Schedules

Several of you have contacted us to ask when your schedules would be ready, or when Cougar Day will be. We've decided to do things a little bit differently this year, partly because of the pandemic, but mainly because we can do better.

On Friday, July 24, student schedules will be available to view on students' Aspen accounts. Students can access their aspen accounts through our district website at For students unable to view them online, or for students without internet access, we will provide paper schedules in a drive-thru fashion, similar to Packet Pickup Day, on Friday, July 24. From 9:00-11:00 AM, juniors and seniors may drive thru and pick up a paper copy of their schedules, if needed. From 5:00-7:00 PM on Friday, July 24, freshmen and sophomores may drive through to pick up a copy of their paper schedules.

Invariably, we know that some students will have some schedule change requests. You can request to change your schedule in one of several ways. You may email your counselor, and counselor email addresses will be provided on the school and county websites. Or, you may use an online portal (links will be provided on the school and county websites) to set up an appointment time with your counselor to avoid crowds, waiting in line, having to take time off from work, not having enough time, etc.

Again, for students who do not have internet access, they can call 423-562-8308 to either speak to a counselor over the phone about a schedule change request, or to set up a time to come in for a face-to-face meeting. Thank you very much, and we look forward to a great year!

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