CCHS Announcements (May 9th-13th)

--Tennis Banquet Monday, May 9th at 6:00pm at The Stables
--CTE Competition May 10th at 8am. Awards Ceremony at 12:30 pm. Events competing: Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Marketing, Health Occupation, 3-D Printing, Family & Consumer Science, Finance Logos, and Carpentry
--Senior Awards Night on May 10th at 6:00pm. College Signing Day will be held before Awards Night at 5:00pm and after the awards ceremony. Please check the Senior Awards Night Honoree Blog Post for the seniors being honored at the Senior Awards Night.
--JROTC Awards Banquet on May 12th at 6:00pm
--FFA Farm Day May 13th from 8:30am-3:00pm
--Art Show May 15th from 2:00pm-4:00pm in the CCHS Commons
--The CCHS Greenhouse is open to the public. 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday
--Cap & Gown distribution is during lunch. Don't forget to get cleared by the library first. See Mrs. Chambers for more information.
--Senior Pictures are June 20-21 at CCHS. You will receive a packet in the mail with all of the information. You must call the number in the packet and schedule an appointment with Lifetouch. These pictures are by appointment only. If you are unable to make your appointment, please cancel it and reschedule. You can schedule your pictures to be taken at another school (ACHS, Jellico, etc.) if no dates at CCHS are available. There is a $25.00 sitting fee. Cap & Gown pictures will be taken in casual and formal attire.
--CCHS Theater Arts Presents "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" in school on Monday, May 9th during 3rd and 4th periods

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Cougar Sports
Track: May 14th (Sectionals) @ Science Hill
Fishing: May 14th-15th Next Generation @Douglas Dam
May 21st Bass Pro Classic @ Douglas Dam
Announcements You Need to Know
--Mrs. Bostic's 2nd Period Culinary Arts Dollywood Trip is May 12th
--Cheerleaders are Raffling Baskets at the Blue and Orange Game. Buy a ticket for a chance to win!
--Ensemble meets on Monday, Wednesday & Friday
--Earth Choir meets on Tuesday and Thursday
--Archery meets every Tuesday and Thursday
--Cougar Credit Union is Giving away a Fitbit. Stop by at lunch and deposit money into your account to be entered into the drawing.
--Students who still need to make a schedule please see your guidance counselor.
--Yearbooks are sold out, but you can still see Mrs. Bolton to get on the waiting list
--Art Students who would like their art displayed in the Spring Art Show see Mrs. Green
--FCA meets every Friday morning at 7:45 a.m. in the GYM
--Cougars for Christ meets every Thursday morning at 7:45 a.m.
--Book club meets every Wednesday at lunch in room 143
What's Coming Up This Month
--Class of 2020 Freshman Parent Meeting - May 16th
--Soccer Banquet - May 16th @ 6:30 @ McCloud Mountain
--CTE Awards Banquet - May 17th
--Class of 2020 Freshman Orientation - May 18th
--Cougar Football Blue and Orange Game -May 19th
--Graduation Practice - May 20th in CCHS Gym
--Graduation is Saturday, May 21 at 10:00am @ LMU
--Last day of school is May 27th