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CCHS Announcements (September 6th-9th)

Homecoming Week!

Spirit Week Dress Up Days

Tuesday : Pajama Day

Wednesday: Frat Day

Thursday: Tacky Tourist Day

Friday: Blue and Orange Day


Friday, September 9th @ 1:45pm Downtown LaFollette

School will Dismiss at 12:30pm


Friday, September 9th @ 5:00pm in Front of Rock

(Red, White, & Blue Night)


Friday, September 9th @ 6:45pm


Cougars vs. Grace Rams

7:30 pm

5th Quarter

Following Game @ LaFollette Methodist Church


SEPTEMBER 8th: Junior Class Meeting in Auditorium for Class Rings

Order Days @ Lunch, September 15-16

SEPTEMBER 8th: Senior Make-up Pictures



* Hosa Dues need to be turned in by September 23rd

*FFA will meet every Friday in room 622 for contest prep.

*Archery meets every Monday & Wednesday during lunch in room 534

**Book Club will meet Mondays first half of lunch on Mondays in Room 143, see Mrs. Copeland for details.

*Chorus Small Ensemble Auditions will be Monday and Tuesday. For more information, see Mr. Edwards in room 416.

*Any Junior or Senior Interested in Applying for Junior Board of Directors at First Volunteer Bank please pick up application in front office.

*Student Council will meet every Monday and Thursday at 11:45

in Room 402.

*ACT English/Reading Tutoring will be held on Mondays and Thursdays until 4:30pm. See Mrs. Copeland for more information.

*Math Tutoring will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays until 4:30pm. See Mr. Copeland for more information.

Junior class pre-meeting for class rings will be September 8th @ 10am in Auditorium.

*Order your Yearbook today see Mrs. Bolton

*Cougars for Christ meets every morning in Art Room at 7:45. Students and Staff are welcome to attend.




September 9th @ Home vs. Grace Rams

Kickoff 7:30pm

Girls Soccer

September 6th@ Home vs. North View Academy @ 6:00PM

September 8th @ Clinton vs. Clinton @ 6:00PM


September 8th @ 4:00 PM Three Ridges Golf Course

Cross Country

September 8th @ Johnson University Invitational 5:30pm


September 8th @ Home vs. Powell 5:00pm


ACT Words of the Week

1. coherent (adj) logical and consistent

2. compassion (n) concern for sufferings or misfortune of others

3. compensate(for) (v) make up for something unwelcome or unpleasant by exerting an opposite force or effect

4. complement (n) a thing that completes or brings to perfection a larger whole

5. compose (v) 1. write or create 2. constitute, make-up (composition, composed of)


Coming Up Soon

ETSU Campus Visit- September 12th

CTE Competition at Tennessee Valley Fair- September 12th

ASVAB Test for Juniors - September 15th

LMU -College Fair- September 27th

ACT Registration Deadline- September 16th

HOSA Blood Drive - October 6th

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